I woke up this morning to a lot of excitement from Rural Democrats about last night’s debate. They think we are about to switch horses – to a ticket that we can sell to voters and candidates who will easily win the November election. Surely last night’s performance was enough to get President Biden to graciously step down and appoint a successor. My daughter captured the rural sentiment a couple of months ago when someone asked her for whom she would cast her vote. She replied “For whomever replaces either of the current two candidates.”
The Biden-Harris ticket was a tough sell for the local Democratic Party
At last week’s local Democratic Party meeting we discussed getting Democratic yard signs on people’s properties. Right now there are none – neither Democratic or Republican so why not get a sea of blue going? One problem was that some people didn't want a sign that said Biden, Harris, or Choice. We already have abortion in Michigan so no one wants to talk about it. Vice President Harris never talks about national defense and it is tough to see her as Commander in Chief. And President Biden, well, he is just too old.
But a generic flag would sell. So I came up with the following yard sign:

And I was on the same page. I can’t put a Choice flag in front of my farm. When you own a farm, you are visible and everyone asks you about whatever you are doing. What would I say when we already have abortion in Michigan? And my neighbors are having their first child on July 4th. That I want more abortion? It doesn’t work. A generic Democratic sign works.
This flag does. Sadly, the county Democratic Party doesn't have enough money in its coffers to produce them.
When canvassing, rural Democrats don’t always mention Biden or Harris
I asked the canvassers what they talk about when they go to people’s homes. It is always the issues: the Infrastructure Bill, lowering medical costs, rural broadband. But there isn't much about the candidates. That just doesn’t sell.
The aftermath of the Biden-Trump debate
I wasn’t surprised this morning when I sensed the excitement among rural democrats that we were about to get a new set of candidates. Rural math is very simple. If it rains, you put your windows up. If President Biden confirms our worst fears, you put up a new set of candidates.
For example, a ticket of the Pennsylvania Governor for President and the Michigan Governor for Vice President is one that rural Democrats would be happy to sell here. And they are two swing states. And doing it now will avoid a month of attacks against Biden and the Democratic Party. Switching horses will change the focus to how bad Trump was in the debate and how good the new candidates are. And I bet Trump then cancels the September debate.
I didn’t want to rain on their parade and explain urban math. It is more complicated and takes 10 times longer to get to the same place. Switching horses will take longer than it should. But Once it does, it will energize the party. At the end of the day, I suspect it is only Jill Biden who can make this decision. But Jill, just rip the band aid off now and get it done.